With all the diets and treatments out there, I’ve been pretty frustrated with all of the confusing and conflicting information. For the past three years, I’ve been searching for a solution to help you better heal and nourish your body. I have three specific convictions that have driven my search. One, there’s a natural design to how we’ve been created to live. Two, a healthy diet and lifestyle should be simple. Three, your body has been created to be able to take care of itself, without the need for pills.

Finally, I can say that I’ve found a diet foundation that fits all three of my convictions. The ironic thing is that this is not new information. The information is actually thousands of years old. And I’ve only scratched the surface of this diet foundation, so I am constantly learning about it.

To teach you what I’ve learned, I’m creating a membership site to walk you through how to heal and nourish your body. This article is about the membership site I am currently creating – what it will offer and what I want it to do for you.

Let’s get into that now…


A Solution to Help You Heal and Nourish Your Body


What is a Diet Foundation?

The membership site I am creating will teach you how to build a diet foundation. The core of the diet foundation will focus on diet philosophy, not on what foods you should or shouldn’t eat. The goal is that as you learn the right philosophy, you can take what you learn and apply it to your diet and lifestyle, no matter what your diet, health problems, or symptoms are in your current season. Even when health symptoms or problems change, a true diet philosophy does not.

You can think of diet philosophy as a foundation for a house. You can build many different styles of homes and use a plethora of different materials to do it. However, your house must have a firm foundation to be able to stand. In the same way, there are 1000’s of diets out there, but you have to have a firm diet philosophy for any diet to last.

For a diet philosophy to be firm, it has to be true. For a diet philosophy to be true, it has to be based on facts and evidence. Diet philosophies that focus on superficial things like the number on the scale, how much muscle you have, or treating symptoms are superficial and will not lay the groundwork for a true, firm diet foundation. True diet philosophies, on the other hand, are anchored in eating and living according to your body’s design. When you align your diet and lifestyle to your body’s design, your body will be able to heal and protect itself from future health problems.


What will My Membership Site Accomplish?

The number one thing I want to accomplish with my membership site is to walk you step-by-step through building a simple and true diet philosophy that you can then base your diet and lifestyle decisions on that philosophy.

I’m currently creating content on my site to teach you a simple, straightforward, and evidence-based philosophy that will guide you in what food you choose to eat, how to deal with stress, how to get high-quality sleep, and many other things. Topics I have already created courses for range from “Diet Precepts” and “What the Bible says about Healthy Eating” to “Intermittent Fasting” and “Flu and Cold Season Prep”. Other topics I’m currently working on are “The Biological Rhythm of the Body” and “Choosing to Eat or Avoid GMOs”. Each course will provide background information, the risks, costs, and benefits of the topic, and tips on how to apply the information you learn.

Ultimately, I believe that you are responsible for your diet and lifestyle. I truly believe that you have the moral integrity to do the best thing for your body (and your family), once you understand all sides to a topic. That means that my job is to only provide you with the facts and potential costs, risks, and benefits of each topic. By doing so through my membership site, I believe you will be able to make decisions on what your diet and lifestyle should be moving forward.


How will My Membership Site Accomplish This?

As of right now, there will be four main categories on my site – the philosophy of a diet, the patterns of a diet, the food in a diet, and the toxins in a diet. The plan is to walk you through the philosophy behind a diet first. Then, you’ll learn about the patterns of a diet that may have been responsible for the long, healthy life span of the Israelites in the Bible. Next, the costs, risks, and benefits of different foods will be covered. Finally, you’ll learn about the controversial topic on toxins – what they are and if you should be concerned with them.

Each category will have multiple courses. I am planning to add courses on detoxification, cooking cheats, and others to my site in the future. I also plan to have tools, recipes, and other helpful resources for members to further help you apply the information you learn.


Will You Have to Take Every Course on the Site?

I will have a recommended progression of the courses I believe are fundamental. However, you can choose the courses you want to learn in whatever order you want. As I create more content for the site, I am planning to have guides for different health goals. Here are some of the health goals I’m thinking about: getting pregnant, getting to a healthy weight, resolving digestive problems, and balancing hormones. This is not the full list of health goals I’m considering, and the ones listed may very well change. Guides will consist of a recommended list of courses, email notifications of both courses on my membership site and articles on my blog, and a collection of resources to further support you reaching your health goal. I don’t know yet if there will be a monthly charge for signing up for a guide.


What Makes My Membership Site Different From Others?

A diet should be simple. A diet should be aligned with your body’s design, in order for you to be the healthiest you can be. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of diets that are constantly changing. I’m ready for a consistent, steady, and reliable diet.

The way to make your diet steady and reliable is to have a true diet philosophy behind it. This is exactly what I’m striving to teach you about. Now, I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t believe I ever will. But, I desire to teach as many people as I’m able how to better heal and nourish their bodies, from the ground up.

My greatest hope for you and your loved ones is for y’all to heal and nourish your bodies. I believe having a true diet philosophy and a firm diet foundation will guide you towards reaching that goal.


How Much will My Membership Site Cost?

Once I launch my membership site, the plan is for you to become a member by buying a certain amount of credits – $5 for 5 credits, $10 for 10 credits, or $20 for 20 credits – and then use those credits to buy courses. As of right now, there are no monthly charges or other fees associated with being a member. I wanted to create a membership site that allows you the freedom to purchase the credits you need and to choose the courses you want to take.

As for the cost of each course, the amount of credits to buy a course depends on the amount of time and content in the course. So far, the “Diet Philosophy” course is only 3 credits, while the “Flu and Cold Season” course is 5 credits. The only other cost, as of now, is a monthly charge to be in my support group. I have not determined the price of the group yet, but I am doing my absolute best to keep everything reasonably priced for those who have a tight budget.


When Will the Membership Site be Ready?

As for when this membership site will be ready, my goal is to have the core courses finished and put up on the site by the end of this year. I want to be able to invite the first round of members by the end of the year. Now, the site won’t have everything on it by then, but it will have enough to get started on, as I continue making courses for the site.

If you want to stay updated on my membership site, you can sign up for email notifications here:


4 Responses

    1. Michelle,
      You are so right! I was reading a book called Essentialism the other day and it talked about how we must protect the asset – our body! If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t be able to take care of others. Love that 😊

      Good to hear from you!

  1. I have always been a skinny, voracious eater. I gained when I had my kids. I am at 135 lbs now and I am a petite woman standing at 5\’3\”… I always hear that I look healthier and I love that! One thing is not right though… I don\’t feel healthy. I will try hard to join your launch, Cait.. Good luck! You are doing a great job!

    1. Donna,
      You brought up a great point! Just because we look healthy externally doesn’t mean that we’re healthy internally. I have that same problem. I get compliments about how small I am, yet I struggle with remembering to eat because my 11-month-old and work takes up a lot of my focus. I also get tired easily when I forget to eat (and the rest of the day is ruined because of how tired my body gets). Feeding our bodies is so much more than eating anything. It’s about feeding our bodies the right things! Love that you brought it up and I would, truly, be honored to walk alongside you to help you feel healthy again. Plus, you can hold me accountable to remember to eat 😉

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